Le grand spectacle
        Magasin souvenir
     ont Saint Michel draws up its imposing silhouette over a huge expanse of sand and water, the “bay of MSM “.
Masterpiece of Nature, it stands  between earth and sky, between continent, home of human development, and ocean, where primitive chaos seems to prevail.

There, man, forced into spiritual elevation, deployed along the centuries his artistic and architectural genius. Therefore MSM is no longer merely a rock, but rather also a village, a fortress, and above all a prestigious abbey!

owever this imposing rock would never have had such a destiny without the bay that surrounds it and shows off its majestic figure. For the bay of M S M is in itself a "work of art". Expanding over more than 80,000 acres between Brittany and Cotentin, the bay of MSM is swept by the second highest tides in the world: during the spring tides, the level of the sea varies by 14 meters!

Yet, although for centuries the Mont has been “at the peril of the sea”, it is today silting-up alarmingly, thanks to successive human interventions.

hus, to preserve the mount’s maritime character, in accordance with France’s pledge at the time of the site’s registration as a World Heritage Site, an ambitious project was born.

     he works currently starting are expected to last more than 5 years. For more information, please see the website of the Syndicat mixte, client of the project : www.projetmontsaintmichel.fr